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Platinum Purple Kush - Indica dominant marijuana

Platinum Purple Kush - 

A 90% Indica/ 10% Sativa hybrid, this heavy, sleepy indica is an ideal night-time strain and can help treat insomnia. It provides deep body relaxation while maintaining mental focus. Platinum Purple Kush is known for providing relaxing and euphoric effects that allow you to retain focus. The effects are calming, euphoric, and happy, and come with a powerful case of the munchies. This makes it ideal for lack of appetite, as well as anxiety, migraines, headaches, inflammation, muscle spasms, chronic pain, and stress. THC is18% - 23%, CBD: 1%  Folks love Platinum Purple Kush because the euphoria starts off feeling like a sativa, but ends on a sedating indica note. Berry, earth, and grape are the dominant notes to the smell and taste of Platinum Purple Kush.  This strain is ideal for evening use. The easiest places to find this strain include California, Nevada, and the Pacific Northwest.

 Order cannabis online to order these hybrid buds. Cannabits, your online weed shop since 2014. Shipping included with our online dispensary.

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