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Mango Kush cannabis flower

Mango Kush - 

A Indica Dominant Hybrid - 65% Indica / 35% Sativa THC: 16% - 20%

Mangos and marijuana go together. The fruit is known to enhance the high for many people, and some cannabis strains are bred to evoke the fruit. The taste of Mango Kush, not surprisingly, is similar to mangos and Kush, with notes of pine. It smells of the tropics, sweet mangos, and bananas. THC can make up as much as 16% of this strain, while CBD is much lower, about 0.3%. Mango Kush is an indica-dominant hybrid that can be used to treat nausea and vomiting, pain, insomnia, lack of appetite, and depression. The high is centered on the body, with deep relaxation, strong euphoria,  and a general sedated feeling. Many patients find themselves talking and giggling more than usual while high on this strain.

 Order cannabis online to order these hybrid buds. Cannabits, your online weed shop since 2014. Shipping included with our online dispensary.

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